Rob Sacchetto

Rob Sacchetto

Rob-Sacchetto wow

Zombie Artist

Sudbury’s own Rob Sacchetto, Inventor of Zombie Portraits has been a staple at Graphic-Con since Day One! His unique niche artwork is truly masterful. With the ability to Zombify ANYTHING, even you, he has zombified over 5,000 people all over the world in his original portraits style. Not to mention applied his tongue-in-rotted-cheek approach to pretty much any image he can get his hands on!

Sole artist for and Zombie Daily, three graphic novel/books under his belt, and licensed artwork seen all over globe on a variety of products, Rob is one of THE foremost Zombie Artists in the world. With his unique, original, and new illustrations DAILY, his individual pieces run in the tens of thousands!

Rob will be illustrating onsite all day, selling prints, signing autographs and accepting commissions. Come see the zombie art master, marvel as his massive body of work and ask him how to get yourself or your loved ones ZOMBIFIED!

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